Pre-Discussion Phase: RAMM Education Guide, Call for Questions

Thanks for starting the discussion!

Given the requirement for thorough testing and solidity audits on the technical implementation, the timeline here is unlikely to hold us back.
Appreciate that many people will be familiar with the design, but there will also be many who have not followed that closely, so this is an opportunity for them to join in and participate.
I think leaving 4 weeks for the main body of the parameter discussion is very reasonable, we really want no stone unturned. Given the complexity, number of intermingling parameters, and high level of community interest, I would want to support heavily with numeric simulations and examples based on what people say in the forum - hoping to do this quickly but it is not instantaneous.

Just to note, there is no separate liquidity for the above and below pools, there’s just one pot of ETH in the pools that increases with buys, decreases with sells and moves towards its target over time.

And agree that liq_speed_in (and ratchet_speed_b) should start pretty high to allow good amounts of redemptions at the start.