Category | Topics |
Claim AssessmentWhen new claims come in we will post information on the related event here and update it as it becomes available.
InvestmentThe #investment category is used for discussion around Capital Pool investment strategies, updates from the Investment committee, and as a way for members to connect directly with Investment committee members.
Governance DiscussionsThis category is for governance discussions in various stages.
Nexus Mutual UpdatesThe Nexus Mutual Updates category is used to provide updates for ongoing projects, DAO teams, Foundation teams, grant progress updates, and more.
Staking PoolsThe Staking Pools category is where current staking pool managers can communicate with Nexus Mutual members and share updates.
Cover ProductsMembers can use this category to discuss existing product types and potential new product types. This category can broadly be used to explore member sentiment around certain products and talk about strategy to increase growth in cover sales, while limiting correlation across product types.
FeedbackDiscussion about this site, Nexus Mutual system, website and app; their organisation, how they work, and how we can improve them.
Risk AnalysisMembers can use this category to discuss various kinds of risk, whether it’s crypto-native or real world risk.