Request for Comment - Tokenomics Design Detail

It’s quite sad to see lack of engagement here from community so I made account to express my gratitude for all hard work going into this tokenomics change. Thank you for that! Hopefully in future more members (and non members - plz remove kyc :sweat_smile:) will join forums for discussion.

Now my 2c of feedback.

  • Currency of redemptions - ETH as entry/exit currency is obvious choice. This could be discussed in future in case Capital Pool asset allocation changes significantly (if ETH and ETH equivalents stop being highest % holding)

  • Buying/selling availability - Initially exit liquidity pool should be significantly larger and we should be ready to swiftly increase it if sell pressure turns out being higher than expected. Later, when that initial spike of sellers runs out and market price stays around book value comfortably we can adjust parameters to lower this pool to optimize for investments.

  • TWAP for establishing system price / Oracle safety buffer- Does it have to be TWAP of wNXM price? Wouldn’t it be safer to implement two oracles. One oracle that informs about current book value per NXM and 2nd oracle that is based on wNXM market price with some TWAP implementation (sorry I’m not rly math guy so no suggestion on what formula might work here). I’m aware that such “Book Value Oracle” can be very tricky to create, especially if we would want to expand on investing front. IF it could be implemented it should provide huge safety net against any wNXM price manipulation. When protocol sells/mints NXM it could take higher from those two responses to minimize amount of new NXM entering circulation and protect from manipulations trying to mint more than it should be able to.

  • NXM price shock upon transition - That’s a tough one. I’m agreeing that it can’t be single daily candle that takes us to BV, something would break 100%. Looking at daily rate of change in price of wNXM/ETH pair I see multiple instances of daily price movements by more than 10% (with outliers going as far as 30%). If nothing broke at those days we should be fine here. Aiming for 4-6% daily move just to be on safe side should do the trick while not prolonging it unnecessarily. I think it’s pretty much what Hugh said in initial discussion about ratchet mechanism.

  • Soft launch - I highly doubt soft launch would meet with same reaction from market participants as real thing. If code works as intended it’s good enough.