Governance Discussions
Advisory Board The Advisory Board category is used to provide updates for Advisory Board (AB) votes and share updates on new features, bug fixes, and any other important actions the AB takes. DAO Treasury Management Members can use this category to discuss potential DAO treasury management approaches and strategies. Learn more about the Nexus Mutual DAO treasury (formerly, the Community Fund) by reading the Nexus Mutual DAO section in the documentation. Nexus Mutual Protocol Improvement Proposals An Nexus Mutual Protocol Improvement Proposal (NMPIP) is a proposal to signal or enact change to the Nexus Mutual protocol. These proposals are used to engage with the community, reach consensus, and enact proposals if approved through an on-chain vote. DAO team funding Members can discuss the creation of new DAO teams, the performance and proposed renewals of existing DAO teams in this category. This is a specific subset of the #governance-discussions:dao-treasury-proposals category that focuses on DAO teams. Nexus Mutual DAO Proposals A Nexus Mutual DAO Proposal (NMDP) is a proposal that can be used to submit a grant request for funding, create a new DAO team, or request a renewal and funding for an existing DAO team. These proposals are used to engage with the community, reach consensus, and distribute funding from the DAO treasury to fund projects and teams.