Welcome to the Governance Roundup — your source for updates within the Nexus Mutual community, including upcoming governance actions, the latest developments, and everything else about the future of risk sharing!
Nexus Mutual teams roadmap and Q1 & Q2 2024 funding NMDP
With the successful rollout of our Tokenomics project, Nexus Mutual has evolved! Our innovative Ratcheting AMM mechanism now enables members to redeem NXM for ETH. This presents a great opportunity to refresh our community and to welcome new contributors passionate about decentralised risk sharing.
As we step into this exciting new era, BraveNewDeFi, our Head of Community, offers an insightful recap of the Foundation and DAO teams’ 2024 goals.
Dive into our 2024 roadmap – your feedback and comments matter!
Also, check out the latest DAO teams’ funding proposal and join the conversation!
The UMA team posted a proposal that outlines how the Nexus Mutual DAO could adopt oSnap for DAO governance. With oSnap, successful Snapshot votes that include a transfer of crypto assets from the DAO treasury could be automatically executed on-chain, potentially streamlining the process by combining a single, gasless Snapshot vote with on-chain execution. This change aims to simplify the governance mechanism without altering the existing DAO processes.
Review and comment on UMA’s RFC proposal!
The latest issue of The Hedge, Nexus Mutual’s monthly newsletter, was published last week. To review weekly cover sales, please check out the weekly sales analyses on the forum.
Also: don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next Community Call on the Nexus Mutual Discord on Tuesday (30 January) at 1pm UTC ( sign up on Discord).
Have a great week!