2024-07 Week 1: The Last Week in Review | 1 – 7 July 2024

In the last week, the mutual sold $27.3M USD worth of cover and earned $254.4K USD in fees, as outlined below.

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 19.06.33

The weighted average expiry period is 25 days. You may view the full list of active covers on the DAO-maintained Covers Data Dashboard on Dune.

Active Cover as of 8 July 2024

Total active cover stands at $87.3M with active coverage by cover type and by staking pool as follows. All the below data point screenshots are made from the Covers Data Dashboard.

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 19.09.12

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 19.09.26

:arrow_right: You may read more about the current product portfolio offered by Nexus Mutual and take a look at the cover wordings in the Nexus Mutual Documentation.

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 19.09.37

:arrow_right: You may find the active staking pools on the Nexus Mutual UI . Members staking NXM is vital to our protocol. To learn more about staking, take a look at our documentation.