Introducing the Safe in DeFi Writing Contest Series

Introducing the Safe in DeFi Writing Contest Series :writing_hand:

The Nexus Mutual DAO Community team is sponsoring the Staying Safe in DeFi Writing Contest Series, which aims to improve both the quantity and quality of content related to staying safe in DeFi. Our goal with this program is to increase awareness of Nexus Mutual’s services and support the creation of informative and engaging content on staying safe in DeFi. :shield:

This multi-month initiative will feature different themes, with each theme lasting one month. At the end of each month, the Community team will select the top three submissions. The creators of these submissions will share an 800 USDC prize pool. Winners will be announced prior to the start of the next theme. :moneybag:

To view the full details of the program including the details for submission, please visit the Staying Safe in DeFi Writing Contest page on the DAO website. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know.

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